Tuesday, August 14, 2012

"60 Day Challenge"

So back in March or so, I got the Brazil Butt Lift DVD's and started working out and eating a little better. I did really well for about a month, then my friend wanted to try out the DVD's. while they weren't in my posession, I lost all motiviation :( I still kept off the few pounds I had lost, but I didn't lose anymore. I tried doing my Turbo Jam DVD's, but it just wasn't the same. I was doing everything on my own and my motivation had vanished.
Well, a few weeks ago, we had 61 days til we leave for California. So I asked Jay if he would try to eat healthier, eat less, and work out a little with me so I could have someone to keep me motivated. I was so happy that he agreed! So that night we went out and bought some groceries - ALL healthy food - no candy or bad snacks. If you know Jay, you know that's pretty crazy :) That first week we did eat our healthy things, but also we didn't take it too seriously - we did start going on family walks, which I've always wanted to do, but we never made the time for it. We didn't do that well that week though, I ate a lot of stuff that afterward I was bummed about. Our Sunday weigh in came around, and Jay had lost 5 pounds, but I had gained 2 oz's. I was bummed! It seriously kicked my butt into gear! That next week, I did really well on eating fewer calories, little snacks/meals every 2 or 3 hours. I worked out a lot more than I had that first week (Brazil Butt Lift, elliptical, walking) and it paid off - I was down 4 pounds! It may sound silly, but even those 4 pounds, I felt like my clothes fit a little looser, I was extatic! It kept up my motivation, and even though Jay isn't doing this as much as I am, it feels good that he's by my side :) I'm not cutting out all goodies or anything like that. Just like Aug 7 was Suzannes birthday, so we went to Leatherby's for dinner! I ate a chicken finger basket, then Jay and I shared ice cream, but between breakfast and lunch that day, I had only had about 400 calories, so I didn't mind going crazy for a night! Last week I lost another 4.5 pounds! So, in the last 2 weeks I have lost 8.5 pounds and it makes me so excited! My goal for our 60 days was to lose 10 pounds, I'm almost there and we're not even half way done with our 60 days. I'm going to keep going and see how much I can lose by the time we go! I feel so good, have more energy and I love going on walks with my family!

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About Me

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Jay and I have been married since August 19 2005, and are loving every minute of it! My girls are growing so quickly, I can't believe I don't have a baby anymore! We love spending time with family and friends. Especially camping and fourwheeling and just being outdoors. I love scrapbooking as well, as anyone who has been to our house would know. We love taking pictures!