Rylee has been really stuffed up the past few days, and has also had her right eye almost stuck shut from eye boogers :( Today she was a lot better when I went to get her out of bed this morning though. :) When I had called her doctors office and talked to the medical assistant yesterday, she said she would move Rylees four month check up up a week so that they could check her out and make sure she didn't have anything serious, and do her check up all in one day. So we went in today and she doesn't have anything serious! I was so relieved. Today Rylee weighed 13 lbs 12 oz. She was in the 97th percentile for height...she's 26 inches! Tall girl just like her sister.
I can't believe that Rylee is going to be four months old next week and in less than a month Brikayla will be 3 years old!!! My girls are growing up so fast!
What a silly girl Brikayla is. Im glad that Rylee didnt have anything serious. Your girls are dolls!
Both of your girls are so cute!
Thanks ladies!
Too cute!! Your girls are so beautiful!
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