Monday, January 26, 2009

its been a long time

So its been a really really long time.....its been a soo happy but soo sad few weeks for us. For the happiness, we found out on Jan 13 that i'm pregnant! :) So we are very excited about that. Looking forward to another little one. We haven't really told many people...until now :) I'm only about 5 weeks along though, so I'll probably be due in September.
The sad news, on the 19th, I lost my job which was so devastating and probably couldn't have come at a worse time, all I have to say is that I am so thankful for family and friends! The day I found out, my parents came over with soooo many groceries for us I just broke down crying. Jays parents filled our vehicles with gas and also bought us a ton more things we needed - the essentials. They have been so supportive lately and have been trying to help us any way they can, and I am so thankful for them. All of my friends have been really supportive in trying to let me know whenever they find out about any openings and everything. I still haven't had any success in finding a job yet - but its so hard, especially at this economic time. I just keep praying and hoping for the best.
Brikayla's birthday is a week from today. She'll be two! time flies. She is so smart for her age too. I actually had a friend thinking she was turning three because of how much she's talking. She says so many things, and she is becoming little miss attitude also. She's gonna be two going on five or six. lol.

Oh last Friday, Brikayla got ahold of her wipes, and was ripping them to pieces, and next thing I know she was like "get it out mom" and i couldn't see anything, but then I noticed a little glimpse of white up her left nostril. She had shoved a piece of it so far up there I could barely see it. She was 'trying to get a boogie' but I freaked out, Jay grabbed the tweezers and was able to pull it out... I thought we were going to be making a trip to the ER. But luckily, we didn't have to and looking back on it now, it was pretty funny. Well, I guess thats it for now. Best Wishes

Brikayla and I - and her goofy face lol

my two babies

My cute little princess

my little angel, Brikayla


RSCE said...

She is soo freakin' cute congrats on being prego. And im sorry for your job loss, I wish I knew of something. But if there is anything else I can do please let me know.

Elise&Mike said...


A Date with Pinterest said...

First off, I'm so sorry about your job... My dad got laid off from there as well... and he has been there for over 24 years.... Let me know if you need anything!!

Second... YAY!!! Another baby sphar!!! :) How exciting!!!

Third, and final.... YES! We need to get together soon!!! ASAP girl!

Amber {Utah Photography} said...

Congrats again on the pregnancy!! Try not to worry about the job, something will come up!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Little B!! That's so exciting you are pregnant!! I'm sorry to hear about your job though... I'll let you know if I hear about anything either! Your family is so cute and if you ever need anything let us know! We'd love to help!

Mallissa said...

Congratulations on the pregnancy! Things will work out.. I hope you'll find a job soon.. I keep my eyes and ears out for ya!

Cami said...

Congrats on the pregnancy!! I've been waiting to hear that from you! Dang, it doesn't look like we'll be having babies 4 days apart this time :) And I'm so sorry about your job, we know all about it, Dustin was out of a job for months and just barely got another one, just part time for now. Stupid economy. But hooray for babies!!!

Dione said...

Oh wow! Two babies? That's wonderful! Just makes me realize how old I'm getting! Keep your chin up. Everything will work out financially! You both have wonderful parents.

Mandy said...

Congrats Cuz! I am so excited for you and Jay.


About Me

My photo
Jay and I have been married since August 19 2005, and are loving every minute of it! My girls are growing so quickly, I can't believe I don't have a baby anymore! We love spending time with family and friends. Especially camping and fourwheeling and just being outdoors. I love scrapbooking as well, as anyone who has been to our house would know. We love taking pictures!