I really can't believe how quickly time is flying. It's the first of April...although it looks like January with the 6 inches of snow outside! I figured I needed to do a post to update on the girls :)
Last night Brikayla was watching tv in her room and came out and just started talking at 100 words per minute, Jay and I caught some of it even though she was talking so fast. Something about the purple girl turning orange or something and she was SO excited about whatever it was. Then she was just talking to us and Jay got a little teary eyed and just scooped her up and started telling her how big she's getting and growing up so fast. It made me get all teary eyed too. She is such a beautiful, sweet, funny, trouble making girl! She is three years old, it really hit me last night. I still can't believe she's three!!
Jay has always called her Baby Girl and he called her that last night and she says "I'm not a baby dad, I'm a big girl!" She's a smart little stinker. She loves matching colors - she had a bag of M&M's and was matching the colors to peoples shirts and things. It's cute :) She loves counting, dancing, singing songs - she loves Carrie Underwood and Michael Jackson - (the other day Jay was goofing off and said the "he-he" like Michael Jackson always did and Kayla said "Dad, you're good at singing Michael Jackson" haha), doing crafts, she is always concerned for people being ok, especially her baby sister. She is always trying to make Rylee happy.
Brikayla is still tall for her age - tall and skinny. People we don't see often or even strangers usually think she's four or five...and she barely turned 3 two months ago. I know that's not going to be a good thing when she becomes a teenager...we're definately going to have our hands full!
Rylee is 6 1/2 months old. She is also tall and skinny - at her 6 month check up she was 27 inches and 15 lbs 11 ozs. :) Since she is so tall, she wears 9 month sizes in new clothes, and in Brikayla's hand-me-downs, she's already wearing her 12 month stuff! Its crazy - the things Rylee is wearing now Brikayla was walking around in. She rolls from one end of the family room to the other in 10 seconds I swear. When she's on her tummy, she'll try scooting to things. She'll get up on her hands and knees sometimes, but then doesn't know what to do next. She still loves her binky. She got her ears pierced yesterday and she looks so cute!! Rylee has a few ticklish spots - her feet, her back and the most ticklish is her palms. It's so funny how hard she laughs when you tickle her palms! She LOVES spitting - especially when we're in the car. I don't think I've ever heard so many spitting noises from such a little thing! She sucks on her bottom lip a lot. We have to keep the carpet vacuumed constantly - she picks up everything she can get her little fingers on and puts it in her mouth. She still does NOT like baby food, she's like her sister in that way - Kayla went from bottle to table food. Rylee did however like her Biter Biscuit we gave her the other day... she also likes to chew on bread from the Spaghetti Factory, pizza crust and her fingers...she doesn't suck her thumb but she does chew on it and all her fingers and makes a big slobbery mess :)
We sure do love our little girls and feel so blessed to have two healthy, beautiful girls! We are looking forward to Easter. Yesterday the girls got to do an egg hunt at Suzannes school, they had so much fun! Brikayla keeps asking when the bunnies are going to come...we're a little sad we won't be camping for Easter weekend like we usually do, but the weather is just too crazy! Hope everyone has a happy Easter!